Thursday, September 20, 2012

‘US imperialism behind anti-Islam acts’

‘US imperialism behind anti-Islam acts’

The US imperialism is the prime culprit behind the recent anti-Islam cartoons and movie and Washington must be held accountable for such blasphemous acts, an American political analyst tells Press TV.

“America is the villain. The film that sparked the violence is there. It is a spark that set off a bonfire, a forest fire. The issue is US imperialism,” writer and radio host, Stephen Lendman, said in a Wednesday interview. 
“How many more can be tolerated before it stops? And I must say this is a lot more than a Muslim issue. This is a world issue; this is an issue for all of us,” he added.

“Our country, my country, is responsible; they should be held accountable and the ones going along with it should be held accountable,” the analyst noted. 

In yet another anti-Muslim move, a French magazine has published cartoons of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), sparking more outrage in the Muslim world. 

The French Muslim Council, the main Islamic body in France, on Wednesday accused the French Charlie Hebdo satirical weekly of firing up anti-Muslim sentiments. 

The publication of crude cartoons of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) comes amid widespread outrage over a US-made film that insults Islam’s holiest figure, and has sparked days of protests in the Arab world, Africa, Asia and some Western countries. 


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