So many people say, “We can’t make drugs legal! What will happen to our nation? Everyone will go to hell (*slight whisper*).” Question, if you don’t snort long lines of cocaine today and all of a sudden it’s legal, are you going to? The answer is easy, probably not. But, if you did, who cares? It’s your choice to destroy yourself. Here are some quick Q and A’s
What about all the crimes associated with drug use?
A: Crime, regardless of drug use, is a choice and should be met with lawful action. The defendant should be tried based on the crime committed not the substance ingested before hand.
There are a lot of people in jail and prison right now for drugs aren’t there?
A: Yes! Are you aware of the cost though?
- $1,700+ spent every SECOND on the “War”
- 2011 budget for the failed war? 23.44 billion dollars.
- In 2007 the states alone spent 30.4 billion
- The highest incarceration rate of ANY country.
- Average cost annually for one prisoner? $23,000+ (not including rehab)
- Percent of people in prisons for drug use? 50%+
Don’t drugs hurt you?
A:Duh? Doesn’t Mcdonalds? You are more likely to suffer health issues from a few Mickey D’s cheeseburgers a week than a blunt of Marijuana a day. High Fructose Corn syrup is what really should be outlawed in this nation. If we should outlaw these things and no, we should not.
(cont.) But, your usage of narcotics and marijuana does not hurt other people! Therefore, by natural law it is not a crime. Wake up. What you do to your body is up to you, not the government. And, from a christian perspective, God granted us a free-will. Do you really think that YOU have the right to take that away from someone?
What about the extremely lethal drugs like Methamphetamine?
A: “Man-made”, “synthetic” narcotics came around because of prohibition in the first place! Take “K-2” for example. Why smoke synthetic, chemical, marijuana (though, not even close) when you can smoke the real thing? Meth? The result of a lab experiment because a few people couldn’t get high and needed to counter it. The Drug War created these things. Prohibition has been a failure since the dawn of man. Do you not remember what happened with alcohol in the ’20s? Machine Gun Kelly, Al Capone. Violence and more violence is the only product of prohibition. Oh, and higher tax rates for you so you can spread your views to everyone else who “so desperately need them”.
Written by LiberTEA for the American People. Please support me and follow my blog! You can see all my postings at
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