We need to start leaving the 180 nations that we have put ourselves in militarily. We've been invading the Middle East since 1918 and no one cares to realize it! They have a right to be pissed off over the situation that they have been forced into. Our nation is becoming full of warmongers and anti-peace government officials. We are about to invade Iran (we've already fully sanctioned them) and if you look at history you'd see that Iran has not invaded another nation for centuries!
I currently serve in the U.S. Army and I took an Oath to "protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America from enemies both foreign and DOMESTIC." Well folks, I have to say that our enemies out there were simply generated by our own government. If you want to look at the enemies I'm supposed t defend our country against I suppose you only need look in your ballot boxes.
God bless Gary Johnson and God bless Ron Paul, Justin Amash, Jim DeMint, Paul LePaige, Rand Paul, Barry Goldwater an you get the point. But may God's judgement be cast on the snakes that our country promotes such as Romney and Obama.
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