Sunday, September 30, 2012

The origin of the word "ok". I've wondered all my life. I forgot Google existed I guess

Yeah, and it's about time I got things cleared up. Despite the fact that the origin of OK was conclusively established decades ago, few etymological dictionaries, even recent ones, give it accurately. On the contrary, some persist in giving equal time to explanations that have been discredited for decades.
For example, Eric Partridge, in Origins (1983), says OK derives from the OK Club, which supported Martin "Old Kinderhook" Van Buren in 1840. That isn't wrong, but it's only half the story.
William and Mary Morris, in the Morris Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins (1977), mention the OK Club and give several other theories as well, including the off-the-wall idea that OK comes from "Aux Cayes," a port in Haiti noted for its rum. They imply the matter is still shrouded in mystery.
Baloney. The etymology of OK was masterfully explained by the distinguished Columbia University professor Allen Walker Read in a series of articles in the journal American Speech in 1963 and 1964.
The letters, not to keep you guessing, stand for "oll korrect." They're the result of a fad for comical abbreviations that flourished in the late 1830s and 1840s. Read buttressed his arguments with hundreds of citations from newspapers and other documents of the period. As far as I know his work has never been successfully challenged.
The abbreviation fad began in Boston in the summer of 1838 and spread to New York and New Orleans in 1839. The Boston newspapers began referring satirically to the local swells as OFM, "our first men," and used expressions like NG, "no go," GT, "gone to Texas," and SP, "small potatoes."
Many of the abbreviated expressions were exaggerated misspellings, a stock in trade of the humorists of the day. One predecessor of OK was OW, "oll wright," and there was also KY, "know yuse," KG, "know go," and NS, "nuff said."
Most of these acronyms enjoyed only a brief popularity. But OK was an exception, no doubt because it came in so handy. It first found its way into print in Boston in March of 1839 and soon became widespread among the hipper element.
It didn't really enter the language at large, however, until 1840. That's when Democratic supporters of Martin Van Buren adopted it as the name of their political club, giving OK a double meaning. ("Old Kinderhook" was a native of Kinderhook, New York.) OK became the war cry of Tammany hooligans in New York while beating up their opponents. It was mentioned in newspaper stories around the country.
Van Buren's opponents tried to turn the phrase against him, saying that it had originated with Van Buren's allegedly illiterate predecessor, Andrew Jackson, a story that has survived to this day. They also devoted considerable energy to coming up with unflattering interpretations, e.g., "Out of Kash, Out of Kredit, and Out of Klothes." Newspaper editors and publicists around the country delighted in coming up with even sillier interpretations — Oll Killed, Orfully Konfused, Often Kontradicts, etc. — so that by the time the campaign was over the expression had taken firm root nationwide.
As time went on, though, people forgot about the abbreviation fad and Old Kinderhook and began manufacturing their own etymologies. A sampling:
  1. It's a derivative of the Choctaw Indian affirmative "okeh." Andrew Jackson, who figures in many stories about OK, is said to have introduced the word to the white man.
  2. Another Jackson story has it that he used to mark OK for "oll korrect" on court documents. In the one example of this that was actually unearthed, however, the OK was found actually to be OR, for "order recorded," a common courthouse abbreviation.
  3. It was a telegraphic signal meaning "open key," that is, ready to receive. Others say OK was used for "all right" because A and R had already been appropriated for other purposes. Big problem with this theory: the first telegraph message was transmitted in 1844, five years after OK appeared.
  4. It stands for O. Kendall & Sons, a supplier of army biscuits that stamped its initials on its product.
  5. It comes from Aux Cayes, already discussed. A variant is that it comes from the French au quai, "to the dock," said of cotton that had been approved for loading on a ship.
  6. It stands for Obediah Kelly, a railroad freight agent, who used to mark his initials on documents to indicate all was in order.
  7. It comes from the Greek Olla Kalla, "all good."
  8. A German general who fought on the side of the Americans in the Revolutionary War used to sign documents OK for Ober-Kommando.
There are dozens of other interpretations, all equally knuckleheaded. Pay them no mind. If Professor Read says OK = oll korrect, that's good enough for me.
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Your Daily Jefferson

A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circlue of our felicities. 

                                   -Thomas Jefferson

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DeMint joins national effort to keep feds from bailing out state pension systems

US assassination drone kills 3 in northwestern Pakistan

At least three people have been killed in a US assassination drone strike in Pakistan’s northwestern tribal region near the Afghan border, security officials say.

The attack took place in the Khaider Khel area of Mir Ali district, 30 kilometres (18 miles) east of Miranshah, the capital of North Waziristan tribal region, on Monday when the US terror drone fired four missiles on a vehicle. 

According to the security officials, several drones were flying in the area at the time of the strike. 

Last week, Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari in his speech to the United Nations General Assembly said that US assassination drone strikes are counter-productive and asked Washington to end the strikes on the country’s tribal areas.

Pakistani tribal regions are the target of US terror drones, with Washington claiming that its unmanned aircraft are targeting militants. However, casualty figures clearly indicate that Pakistani civilians are the main victims of the assaults. 

The killing of Pakistani civilians, including women and children, in the strikes has strained relations between Islamabad and Washington, prompting Pakistani officials to send warnings to the US administration over the assaults. 

Despite Pakistani government’s repeated calls on Washington to end the drone attacks, the US government continues its strikes on the tribal regions of the country. 

The aerial attacks were initiated by former US President George W. Bush, but have escalated under President Barack Obama. 

The drone strikes have triggered massive anti-US demonstrations across Pakistan to condemn the United States’ violations of their national sovereignty. 


Courtesy of 

11 Years of War: US death toll in Afghanistan hits 2,000

A member of Nato's Afghan force and a civilian contractor have been killed in the latest so-called insider attack by a member of the country's security forces, bringing the US death toll in the conflict up to 2,000.
The attack in eastern Afghanistan on Saturday came after the United States said joint operations with Afghan forces were returning to normal.
Joint operations were halted two weeks ago after a surge of attacks by Afghan allies. At least 52 members of the Nato force have been killed this year in so-called green-on-blue attacks.

Washington Times: When all else fails, blame the Paulbots

WASHINGTON, Septemer 30, 2012 — Suddenly, Ron Paul's supporters are relevant. You remember Ron Paul — that old Republican guy who ran for president. His non-interventionist foreign policy ideas were considered kooky during the Republican debates but have since landed him interviews on Fox.
He is the guy who barely cracked 10 percent in the primaries but managed to attract tens of thousands of people, from all walks of life, to his rallies during the primary season. People lined up to hear Paul speak about free-market economics and Constitutional government.
Yet his lively supporters were dismissed as "Paulbots" and "Paultards."
But if,, and others are correct, the Republican nominee, Mitt Romney, may have difficulty defeating Barack Obama if the Paulbots don't fall in line and vote for Mitt.
Various commentators are pleading with the Paulians (and other libertarian and Constitutionally minded voters) not to split the vote and give Obama four more years.
Read more:

Saturday, September 29, 2012

American Special Forces deployed to Iraq: US general

The American military has recently deployed a unit of US Army Special Operations soldiers to Iraq in what the US claims is an effort to offer advice on counterterrorism and intelligence.

The United States is again pushing for an agreement with the Iraqi government to redeploy small units of American soldiers to Iraq on military training missions and also to accelerate weapon sales to the country in a move to secure the oil-rich Persian Gulf nation as an ally, said the American commander in charge of the effort, Lt. Gen. Robert L. Caslen, the New York Timesreported this week. 

According to Caslen, the United States is encountering difficulties in the delivery of weapons desired by Iraq, particularly anti-aircraft systems, so that it can prevent Baghdad from seeking required arms from other countries, including Russia. 

Iraq, according to the report, is negotiating with Russia to purchase air defense systems that could be delivered much faster than those acquired from the United States. 

Meanwhile, Washington is reportedly providing Baghdad with refurbished anti-aircraft guns, which would not be delivered until June. 

The US military pulled out of Iraq at the end of 2011 after intense talks to maintain American troop presence in the country collapsed since the Iraqis refused to agree to provide legal immunities for the occupying forces. 


Weekend Reading: Anti-Federal Reserve book, Copyright 1912! Free Online

U.S. Money Vs. Corporation Currency, "Aldrich Plan.": Wall Street Confessions! Great Bank Combine
Published in 1912, one year before the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913, this is perhaps the very first book against the Fed, back when it was referred to as the Money Trust. Note how sadly apropos that it reads "PRICE 25 CENTS" on the title page.

Fox News: Gary Johnson Will NOT Be Allowed to Debate

Four Candidates Confirmed for the 2012 Presidential Debate Hosted by Free and Equal Elections Foundation (Of Course Romney an Obama Decline the Invitation)

More Sponsors Across the Political Spectrum Join the Cause for Open, Fair Elections
Free and Equal Elections Foundation announced today that four candidates have confirmed their participation in the 2012 Presidential Debate at the University Club of Chicago on October 23: Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson, Green Party candidate Jill Stein, Constitution Party candidate Virgil Goode, and Justice Party candidate Rocky Anderson.
This debate is the only 2012 Presidential Debate featuring four candidates. The top six candidates were invited to participate. Democratic Party candidate and incumbent Barack Obama and Republican Party candidate Mitt Romney are welcome to participate in this historic debate. The moderator will be announced shortly.
I heard the moderator is someone we're all very familiar with :)
And Christina Tobin - You rock!

Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he giv...

Do I even have to say anything?

Friday, September 28, 2012

Gary Johnson 2012: My personal bio

I Am A Defender of The Constitution

Please help me spread my message by sharing this video
And please join me in the fight! Make your own as well.

Peace and Liberty to You All My Friends,

Daniel Faubion
Soldier, Defender, Oathkeeper

Reality Check: Actions Speak Louder Than Words With President Obama and...

Another 9/11 Is Actually Being Planned? Those of Us Who Are Smart Already Know the First Was. If you don't read this article consider yourself a fool.

Zionist organizations such as Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) are overtly plotting “another 9/11-style mass murder” of Americans to justify a military aggression against Iran, an analyst says.

“Covering up 9/11 is bad enough. But when Zionist front organizations like WINEP openly call for another 9/11-style mass murder of Americans to launch a war against Iran, it is time for the American people to put these organizations out of business,” Kevin Barrett wrote in an article on the Press TV website. 

Last Friday, Patrick Clawson, WINEP’s Director for Research, suggested that the US should work covertly and through means of force to provoke Iran to take the first shot against the US or Israel. Otherwise, he said, starting a war with Iran will be really hard to accomplish. 

“I frankly think that crisis initiation is really tough,” said Clawson, “And it’s very hard for me to see how the United States … uh … President can get us to war with Iran.” 

As a consequence, Clawson said he was led to conclude that “the traditional way [that] America gets to war is what would be best for US interests.” 

He then went on to recount a series of controversial incidents in American history - the attack on Pearl Harbor, the sinking of theLusitania, the Gulf of Tonkin incident, and the blowing up of theUSS Maine - that US presidents “had to wait for” before taking America to war. 

“So, if in fact the Iranians aren’t going to compromise,” the Israel lobbyist concluded with a smirk on his face, “it would be best if somebody else started the war.” 

"One can combine other means of pressure with sanctions. I mentioned that explosion on August 17th. We could step up the pressure. I mean look people, Iranian submarines periodically go down; someday one of them may not come up. Who would know why? We can do a variety of things if we wish to increase the pressure. I'm not advocating that but I'm just suggesting that ... this is not an ‘either or’ proposition.... We are in the game of using covert means against the Iranians. We could get nastier at that."

The analyst noted that what Clawson didn’t say, but certainly implied, was that “America’s ‘war on terror’, actually a war on Islam for Israel, ‘had to wait for’ the false-flag attack of 9/11.” 

“WINEP, like AIPAC, is a criminal organization - a viper’s nest of unregistered agents of a foreign power. Even if they were not advocating mass murder and high treason, and calling for the silencing of opposition to the 9/11 coup d'état that they and/or their fellow travelers helped orchestrate, they should all be arrested and sent to prison,” Barrett added. 

“But when they cross the line and advocate the mass murder of Americans to trigger a war for Israel that could easily become World War Three, it's time to shut them down, lock them up, and start building scaffolds. They call it ‘Near East Policy’. I call it high treason and conspiracy to commit mass murder,” the analyst concluded. 


US party spends millions for Jewish vote

US party spends millions for Jewish vote

The Republican Party is spending millions of dollars in an intensified advertisement campaign in some US states to lure a small number of Zionist Jewish voters away from President Barack Obama.

Focusing on Florida, Ohio and Nevada, the Republican Jewish Coalition, backed mainly by Zionist casino tycoon Sheldon Adelson, has begun funneling $6.5 million in a major publicity campaign, using billboards and television advertisements to reach Jewish voters that may consider Obama as untrustworthy with regards to Israel’s security, The New York Times reports Thursday. 

Jewish voters in America, who usually vote for Democratic Party candidates, overwhelmingly cast their ballots for Obama in 2008, reportedly with 78 percent of their vote. 

The report says Republican groups hope their advertising campaign would further undermine the deep-seated popularity of Obama among Zionist Jewish voters, which, according to polls, has dropped a bit since 2008, by promoting the message: “First Israel and then the economy.”

In the state of Florida, according to the report, 3.4 percent of registered voters are Jewish. However, they represent as much as eight percent of those that actually vote, said Ira M. Sheskin, the director of the Jewish Demography Project at the University of Miami. 

That is why the Republican Jewish Coalition is investing so much money on publicity campaigns in battleground state of Florida, Ohio and Nevada, which are not decisively inclined towards either Democratic or Republican presidential candidates. 

The coalition has dispatched hundreds of volunteers this month to South Florida and elsewhere to knock on thousands of doors; stuff mailboxes with brochures that exhort, “We need a president that stands with Israel”; and make 55,000 phone calls, according to the Times report. 

Meanwhile, adds the report, Jewish Democrats insist that Republican groups are twisting Obama’s record on the Middle East. In fact, they emphasize, “Obama has showered Israel with large amounts of military aid, put in place sanctions against Iran and met with Mr. Netanyahu nine times since taking office.”

Despite their popularity among Zionist Jewish voters, Democrats stress that they are not taking them for granted. 

The Democratic Party has conducted phone banks and hosted house parties for Jewish voters to underline Obama’s contributions to the Israeli regime. The Party’s officials have also organized ‘Rabbis for Obama,’ a group of over 600 rabbis that have endorsed the incumbent US president. Moreover, they have dispatched high-profile Democrats across the country to speak out, including former Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright. 

“We are taking very seriously what millions of dollars’ worth of print and radio ads can do in an election,” said Mik Moore, co-founder of the Jewish Council for Education and Research, a “super PAC” that supports Obama and created the “Great Schlep” campaign aimed at increasing Jewish support for him in 2008. 


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Ground Zero With Clyde Lewis in an excellent Radio Show! Here is his store for fighting Big Brother

Click here (on the text) and visit the best online store for preparing to fight Big Brother. The link will take you to buying an underground bunker.

Napolitano on the Middle East: Washington Times (I love you Judge)

Is the Arab Middle East ready for democracy? We know how the past two American presidents have answered this.
The revised stated purpose behind President George W. Bush’s invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq was to build a new world order by forcing democracy on populations to whom it was truly alien. The original stated purpose for invading Afghanistan was to destroy the folks who provided shelter to the 9/11 attackers, and the original stated purpose for invading Iraq was to rid it of a government that possessed and might use weapons of mass destruction.
But when we learned that the real support for the 9/11 attacks came from folks protected by our so-called friends in Saudi Arabia, and when we learned that the only weapons of mass destruction possessed by Iraq were the ones the U.S. sold to Saddam Hussein in the mid-1980s, which he no longer possessed, the Bush administration changed the rhetoric but not the violence or its cost.
Since the termination of those wars came about after the installation of puppet regimes in both countries, and since those regimes now claim legitimacy because they were elected by the people permitted to vote there, we have been reminded that democracy is more than the result of a majority vote. It is respect for the rule of law and recognition of the inalienable rights of the individual. It is not torture, extra-judicial killings or government-sanctioned rape and legal suppression of women and girls; it is not racial and religious and ethnic hatred and persecution; and it is not the rule of mobs in the streets.
When Egypt was in turmoil a year ago, President Obama nudged Hosni Mubarak from office. He was the longtime American puppet and Egyptian strongman who called himself president but was never really elected. His downfall was followed by a short-lived military dictatorship, and that was followed by the popular election of Islamic radicals to the government. They hate the West, the U.S. and Israel.
Is it any wonder that our embassy in Cairo has been attacked and our folks who work and live there are threatened every day? Should the president alone be able to help depose a foreign leader without the consensus of the American people or their elected representatives in Congress? Did the president’s miscalculations take into account that it might be better to leave in place the devil you know instead of inviting the devil you don’t know to replace him? Did he consider that the leader of Egypt is for the Egyptians — and not the American government — to decide?
The case of Libya is even worse. There, Mr. Obama unlawfully, deceptively and unconstitutionally bombed Libya in an effort either to kill Col. Gadhafi, its former strongman and American ally, or to weaken his defenses until he surrendered. It was unlawful because he used the CIA to fight a war. It was deceptive because he lied about no boots on the ground (“boots” referring to troops, rather than intelligence agents with military hardware). It was unconstitutional because under the Constitution, only Congress may declare war on another country. This was an act of war on a legitimate government, one that then-President George W. Bush and then-British Prime Minister Tony Blair praised a few years earlier as a partner in the war against terror, and one that posed no threat whatsoever to American freedom.
Now we know that some of the very same people the U.S. fought — and supposedly defeated in Afghanistan and Iraq — were part of the coalition of violent militias that ousted Gadhafi with the help of American bombs. The government they wrought is too weak to protect our diplomats and our real estate there from them. So they attacked our unguarded consulate in Benghazi and killed our ambassador, and so far they have gotten away with it.
Does anyone really believe the nonsense from the Obama administration that the recent killings of Americans and others and the destruction in the Arab world are about a 15-minute, grade-C movie trailer with dubbed voices and terrible acting and no plot or message? Or is the violence about the opportunity of those Mr. Bush and Mr. Obama trusted to run new governments to vent their hatred?
Is it not more likely that when the West supported toppling Arab strongmen, the rioters in the streets saw that as a signal to express hatred toward the meddling West? Might Mr. Obama’s drones, which have fallen all over the Middle East killing innocents in schools and hospitals, at weddings and funerals, and demolishing mosques and homes, be coming back to haunt him?
The Arab Spring has become the Western Winter, brought about by two American presidents who thought they could kill without moral justification or painful consequence. We should come home from these barbaric places and leave them alone. We should trade with them, since they want to buy our iPads and washing machines and blue jeans, but let them run their own governments.
Andrew P. Napolitano, a former judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey, is the senior judicial analyst at Fox News Channel. He is author of “It Is Dangerous to Be Right When the Government Is Wrong: The Case for Personal Freedom” (Thomas Nelson, 2011).

Read more: NAPOLITANO: The Arab Spring has become Western Winter - Washington Times
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Andrew Napolitano: Get out of the Middle East

The Arab Spring has become the Western Winter, brought about by two American presidents who thought they could kill without moral justification or painful consequence. We should come home from these barbaric places and leave them alone. We should trade with them, since they want to buy our iPads and washing machines and blue jeans, but let them run their own governments.

                  -Judge Andrew Napolitano

Read more: NAPOLITANO: The Arab Spring has become Western Winter - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Click here to sign the petition to stop Obama's seizing of the internet!

Please click the link above to sign the petition!

Assange slams Obama's claims of advocating freedom of speech (An extraordinary article)

The founder of the WikiLeaks website has ridiculed US President Barack Obama’s claim of supporting free speech in the Middle East while persecuting his group for publishing leaked US diplomatic cables.

Speaking Wednesday in a New York event via a video feed from the Ecuadorean embassy in London, where he is holed up for fear of being extradited to the US by British officials, Julian Assange mocked President Barack Obama for defending free speech in Muslim nations during his Tuesday address to the UN General Assembly as he underlined his own case of being targeted by US authorities for exercising his right of free speech. 

Assange reportedly insisted that Obama has "done more to criminalize free speech than any other US president." 

"It's time for President Obama to keep his word... and for the US to cease its persecution of WikiLeaks," he said. 
Assange described as 'audacious' the US government efforts "to take credit for the last two years of progress," given the history of US sponsorship of toppled Arab dictators.

Assange further emphasized, "It must have come as a surprise to the Egyptian teenagers who washed American teargas out of their eyes (during the revolution that toppled US-backed regime of Hosni Mubarak) to hear that the US supported change in the Middle East." 

Citing Obama's rhetoric at his UN address glorifying the freedom of expression, Assange also pointed to the reported treatment of US soldier Bradley Manning in a US prison, where he was allegedly held in isolation, stripped and left unclothed for hours in his cell, as well as the harsh condemnation of Wikileaks by senior American officials. 

The remarks came at a packed gathering of diplomats on the sidelines of the annual UN General Assembly and hosted by Ecuadorean Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino, who announced that he would meet with his British counterpart William Hague on Thursday to again demand a safe passage to Ecuador for Assange by the UK. 

Patino also blamed British authorities for violating Assange’s rights, reiterating that he may have to remain in the embassy in London for up to ten years. 

Assange sought refuge at the Ecuadorian embassy in London three months ago from extradition to Sweden and eventually to the US, where he has been harshly condemned by top officials for leaking classified American military and diplomatic documents that reveal targeting of Iraqi civilians by invading American troops as well as backing despotic rulers in the Middle East and elsewhere, among other things. 

Meanwhile, the Sydney Morning Herald has reportedly published “declassified US air force counter-intelligence reports,” that refer to Assange and Wikileaks as "enemies of the United States," placing him and his website in a similar legal category as al-Qaeda and the Taliban. 


Thanks to

My country continues to support terrorism when it benefits "them"

Supporters of the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) terrorist group have attacked Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast near the United Nations headquarters and in the presence of New York City police.

Mehmanparast and several other Iranian officials were walking to their hotel when they were surrounded and assaulted by supporters of the anti-Iran MKO terrorists on Wednesday. 

New York City police and the US security forces made no arrests as the attackers physically abused members of the Iranian delegation accompanying Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in his visit to the United States to address the 67th session of the UN General Assembly. 
The US is responsible for the security of all diplomatic delegations attending the UN meetings as the host to the world body.

The MKO is listed as a terrorist organization by much of the international community and has committed numerous terrorist acts against Iranians and Iraqis. 

However, the United States is reportedly planning to remove the MKO from the US State Department's list of terrorist organizations. 

On September 21, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sent the US Congress a classified communication about the decision. 


Morsi raps US for backing Arab despots

Morsi raps US for backing Arab despots  < Link: Click here

Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi has censured the US government for disrespecting the Arab world and provoking the hatred of the people in the region by supporting unpopular tyrants and backing the Israeli regime against Palestinians.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

GARY JOHNSON The War Stops Here

Farmer cleared of charges for selling milk. (Why this even has to be reported should be alarming)

A soft-spoken Minnesota farmer was cleared of violating state laws for distributing raw milk Thursday, a verdict advocates for such foods called their first major legal victory.
After a three-day trial and more than four hours of deliberation, a Hennepin County jury found Alvin Schlangen not guilty of three misdemeanor counts of selling unpasteurized milk, operating without a food license and handling adulterated or misbranded food.
The trial highlighted a deep national divide between raw milk advocates who contend unpasteurized dairy products can relieve allergies and prevent illness and public health officials who warn that raw milk can cause serious and sometimes fatal diseases, such as E. coli, salmonella and listeria.
“It’s a big step in the right direction,” Schlangen, 54, said Thursday, flanked by celebrating supporters. “I have a hard time understanding how this basic freedom has been so hard to maintain.”

Gary Johnson Polling 10.6% in Ohio?

Liberty Patriots!
The MSM (mainstream media) is telling us there are only two candidates for the job of the president of the United States -- this new poll out of Ohio shows the nation that there are in fact three people who have a chance to become the next POTUS -- not just two.
I urge everyone to send this link to Drudge Report and to spread the word on social sites like Facebook Twitter etc.
Activism activism activism!
Call the Commission on Presidential Debates at 202-872-1020. Tell them you want to see Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson in the televised debates!
Latest Ohio poll:
If the Presidential election was held today and the candidates were Democrat Barack Obama, Republican Mitt Romney, and Libertarian Gary Johnson, for whom would you vote?
• Barack Obama 44.5% {46.47%}
• Mitt Romney 37.8% {42.39%}
• Gary Johnson 10.6% {4.5%}
• Other/Unsure 7.1%

Reality Check: Muslim Protests Have Nothing To Do With A Youtube Video?

Jesse Ventura: "Let Gary Johnson Debate!"

Romney censures Egypt’s choice of Islamic president

US Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has blasted his Democratic rival President Barack Obama for allowing Egyptians to elect an Islamic president in a bid to reassert himself on foreign policy.

In a campaign rally in the state of Colorado and a series of apparently prearranged interviews on Monday with mainstream American television networks owned by largest US-based media monopolies, Romney attacked Obama for his description of recent surge of anti-Americanism in the Middle East as “bumps in the road.” 

“Bumps in the road?” Romney asked during the campaign assembly in the city of Pueblo. “We had an ambassador assassinated. We had a Muslim Brotherhood elect a member, elected to the presidency of Egypt,” he added, quoted by The New York Times on Tuesday.

Romney, according to the report, also criticized Obama’s inability to shape the unrest in Syria and halt the growing anti-American sentiment in Pakistan as well as Iran’s advancements in nuclear technology. 

“These are not bumps in the road,” he went on to say. “These are developments we do not want to see. This is time for a president who will shape events in the Middle East, not just be merciful or be at mercy of the events of the Middle East.” 

Romney’s condemnation of Obama’s Middle East policy came a day before the US president addressed the UN General Assembly in New York, during which he again defended the publication of a derogatory and hateful film against Islam and its highly-revered prophet as a legally protected right in the US. He further repeated his administration's false accusations regarding Iran's nuclear energy program and threatened further measures against the Islamic Republic. 

Meanwhile, Romney’s vice-presidential running mate Paul Ryan also attacked the Obama’s foreign policy, comparing the rising anti-American sentiments throughout the Middle East to Iran’s Islamic Revolution during which a US-installed dictator Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was overthrown from power.

“Turn on the TV and it reminds you of 1979 Tehran,” Ryan said. 

Observers in the US and Middle East view Romney’s remarks as yet another instance of a persistent bullying attitude of leaders of both dominant political parties in the United States. They also challenge US claims of supporting democracies, pointing to numerous US-backed dictators in the region as well as Washington’s open rejection of democratic election of leaders across the globe that are not subservient to American interests. 


US police not charged for pepper-spraying UC students

US prosecutors will not file criminal charges against police officers who pepper-sprayed peaceful protesters at the University of California (UC), Davis last November.

On Wednesday, the UC officials agreed to pay about $1 million in damages to 21 students and recent graduates, who had prosecuted the university officials for the incident, Reuters reported. 

The amount includes a payment of $30,000 to each plaintiff, and a total $250,000 to cover their attorney fees.

"I want the university and the police to understand what they did wrong. Police should be accountable to students," a UC undergraduate said in a statement. 

On November 18, police officers violently confronted anti-corporatism protesters camping on the UC Davis campus, sprayed the chemical irritant on students that were sitting on the ground and arrested 10 of them. 

The demonstration was being held in solidarity with the worldwide Occupy movements that began in September 2011 after a group of people gathered in New York's financial district with the motto of "Occupy Wall Street" to protest "corporate greed," corruption, poverty, and social and economic inequality in the US. 


Courtesy of

Ahmadinejad Embraces the Jews! Rejects Zionism!

The more I see and hear of Ahmadinejad the more I like him.

Journalist Arrested After Marring Anti-Islam Ad in N.Y

An Egyptian-born activist has been arrested in New York for vandalizing an advertisement that calls the enemies of Israel savages.

Mona Eltahawy, who is a well-known Egyptian-American journalist, spray-painted an ad at the Times Square station in New York City on Tuesday, the Associated Press reported. 

Eltahawy, who was captured on a video while painting the ad, was arrested immediately on charges of criminal mischief and making graffiti. 

"This is non-violent protest, see this America," Eltahawy said while being arrested. 

A pro-Israeli person tried to stop al-Tahawy before she was handcuffed and arrested. 

Eltahawy says the ad promotes hatred and racism. 

The ad reads, "In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man." It then asks people to support the Israeli regime. 

The advertisement, which is the brainchild of Pamela Geller -- the executive director for the pro-Israel American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) and publisher of a blog called Atlas Shrugs -- drew immediate criticism from passersby after it was installed. 

The New York Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) had reportedly refused to run the ad, citing a violation of its policy against ads that are demeaning. 

However, on July 20, US District Judge Paul Engelmayer in New York issued a ruling, ordering city officials to install the anti-Islamic advertisement banners for public display, based on the First Amendment right of free speech. The banners, which were posted on Monday, will remain in public display for a month. 

The AFDI previously gained notoriety when it lobbied against the creation of a Muslim community center near the site of the now-destroyed World Trade Center. 

Geller is a co-founder of the "Stop Islamization of America" foundation, which has been described as a hate group by experts. 

An identical Islamophobic banner had earlier been posted on public buses in the Western US city of San Francisco through August and early September. 

The development comes as millions of protesters have been staging demonstrations throughout the Muslim world to condemn a blasphemous movie made in the United States and a French magazine’s recent publication of cartoons that insult Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). 


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